I stopped to fill up my gas tank today, and noticed the guy at the pump next to me.

He was cleaning his windshield with the complimentary solution and sponge provided, something I always think appears to be a good idea but never do. I finished up, and walked inside to get my husband the fountain drink that he loves more than the swimshirt our 4-year-old loves, and still wears, even though the pools have closed for the season. When I returned to my car, I spotted the guy next to me still cleaning his car.

The whole car.

He sponged down the entire exterior of his vehicle, the trunk, the doors the hood, even the roof. Sure wish I had that kinda time. Yet, I suppose it’s cheaper than a carwash. His kids and wife waited patiently inside, so calm that I’m fairly sure they wouldn’t have cared if I’d asked the guy to sponge down my car as well.

Something to think about.